Mobility Exercises to Unlock Your “Stiff Hips”

Poor hip mobility is a contributing factor to many lower body and low back conditions commonly treated in physical therapy. Typically, a lack of mobility in the hip muscles and/or joint capsule will cause other areas to compensate resulting in pain.
Below are five simple and easy hip mobility exercises to help you improve your “stiff hips”:
Half kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
- Kneel down on one knee
- Shift forward until a stretch is felt along the front hip area of the knee-down side
- Avoid Arching Lower back
Figure 4 Stretch
- Lie on your back
- Place one ankle on top of the opposite knee
- Bring bottom knee toward your chest with your hands under your left thigh
- Relax neck and shoulders
Quadruped Rock Back
- Start on hands and knee in a neutral spine position
- While maintaining this position, gently rock back toward your heels until you feel your tailbone start to tuck
- Rock forward to starting position
Adductor Rock Back
- Start on hands and knee in a neutral spine position with one leg out to the side
- Rock back and flex your hips until a stretch is felt along the groin and inner thigh
- Rock forward to starting position
Posterior Capsule Stretch
- Sit on the floor with your target leg bent in front of you, and your other leg draped over top
- Hold yourself upright with your arms
- Gently shift your weight from one side to the other
- You should feel stretching in the hip/glutes of the leg in front